Financial Assistance

Destination Imagination, Inc. is pleased to announce that we will once again provide financial assistance opportunities for teams who are attending Global Finals 2025.  These funds are intended to make the event more accessible for the teams that need the most help.

Applications for financial assistance will be open from February 12 to March 14, 2025. Any team may apply, even if they have not yet attended their local tournament. We will begin notifying selected teams on April 8; however, teams will not be notified until after their Affiliate Tournament is complete. Any financial assistance awarded will go towards the team’s registration fees for the event. Teams will not be asked to commit to attending Global Finals until after they have been notified about their financial assistance application.

In 2024, DI granted a total of $75,000 to 27 teams. Full and partial awards were given; the average award amount was $2,778. We anticipate having a similar amount of funding to share for this year’s event.

Applications will be evaluated by a committee of DI staff, board members, and alumni based on the following criteria:

  • Financial Need. What expenses must the team cover themselves? Does the team have any financial hardships? Have they completed any fundraising efforts?
  • Attendance at Global Finals. Is the team part of a Challenge or Level that is underrepresented at this year’s event? Has the team attended in the past? 
  • Geographic Representation. Does the team represent an area that will not have many other teams in attendance?
  • Essay. Does the team provide detailed and compelling reasons for how they would benefit from attending Global Finals?

Questions about applying for financial assistance can be directed to [email protected].


Please apply using the application button at the top of this page.

The application form will be open from February 12 to March 14, 2025. It is a brief form consisting of 14 questions. Within the application, teams will be asked to describe their financial need and why they would benefit from attending Global Finals 2025.

With most Affiliate tournaments occurring in March or April 2025, we fully expect and encourage teams to apply for financial assistance prior to attending their Affiliate tournament.

Any teams that can demonstrate financial need are encouraged to apply.

The amount of financial assistance each team receives will be determined by their application and their demonstrated level of need. Last year, a total of $75,000 was distributed, and the average award amount was $2,778.

All applications will be reviewed by a committee with representatives from DI’s Board of Trustees, staff, and alumni. Awards will be based on financial need and the team’s responses on their application.

There is a question on the application that reads “Why do you and your team want to be a part of Global Finals 2025? How will your team benefit from attending?” Your team’s response to this question will have the biggest impact on their application.

We will start notifying teams that have been selected for financial assistance starting on April 8. Teams participating in Affiliate Tournaments after April 8 will not be notified until their tournament is complete. All teams will be notified of the status of their application before the Global Finals registration deadline.

If your team is selected for funding, your award will be applied to your registration fees. At this time, financial assistance funds can only be applied to registration fees; all teams will still be responsible for their travel, housing, and food.

Questions about financial assistance can be directed to [email protected]. All questions will receive a response via email within 24 hours.