Team Props

Global Finals is all about bringing your Challenge solution to life on the world stage, and Prop Storage is your one-stop shop to help make it happen!

All teams (with the exception of Improvisational teams) will have their own booth space where they can work on props, meet as a team, and make the booth their own. Improvisational teams will have a community hub where they can relax, connect with other teams, and even create art together!

Prop Storage also includes several Garages, where teams can work on elements of their Challenge solutions. More info will be posted on this page in the coming months. Please check back later for updates.

Prop Info

Prop Storage will be located in Bartle Hall in the Kansas City Convention Center. All teams (with the exception of Improvisational teams) will have their own booth space where they can work on props, meet as a team, and make the booth their own. Improvisational teams will have a community hub where they can relax, connect with other teams, and create collaborative art.

Here’s how it works:

  • Credentials are Key: In order to access Prop Storage, you must have credentials. Credentials must be retrieved by the Team Manager at registration in Little Theatre, which is located inside Municipal Auditorium.
  • Find Your Base Camp: Head to Bartle Hall on the 3rd floor of the KCCC. This is your central hub for all things prop-related, no matter your Challenge or level. All teams (with the exception of Improvisational teams) will have their own booth space (at least 8ft x 8ft in size) in Prop Storage, which will be identified by booth number and Team Number, and organized by Team Challenge for the entirety of the event.  
  • Improv Park: Improvisational teams, this is your corner! In this space, you can relax or connect with fellow innovators in our “park” area. We will also have activities to spark collaborative artistic ventures! When it’s showtime, you will meet Prop Storage officials here (if you are not going directly to the Pre-Prep Area).  
  • Improv Costume Closet: Need a place to store your Costume Design Kit while you explore Kansas City? You can drop it off at Show Office C. Your Costume Design Kit should be clearly labeled with your Team Name and Team Number for easy identification. Please note that this room is for Costume Design Kits only – jackets, bags, and all other personal items are not permitted due to limited space. Show Office C will not be locked and stored items will be at the team’s risk.
  • Garage Time: If you need space to work on your solution, you can jump into one of our many Prop Garages. There will also be designated Prop Garages for Improvisational teams inside Improv Park. Tables will be provided in the Prop Garages. Please remember to share the space – 20 minutes per visit keeps everyone creating!
  • Mind Your Belongings: Please ensure that your props are stored in your booth (or Show Office C if you’re on an Improvisational team) or attended to if outside your booth. Unattended items left outside Prop Storage booths (e.g., in garages, hallways, or other areas of the Convention Center) might be considered abandoned and mistakenly disposed of by tournament staff and officials. Props must not be stored in the aisles between Prop Storage booths or within the Improv Park area. All personal items should remain with you and your team at all times. 

KCCC Bartle Hall

Wed., May 22 – 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Thu., May 23 – 6:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Fri., May 24 – 6:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Sat., May 25 – 6:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Anything left in Prop Storage on Saturday after 3:00 p.m. will be discarded.

Each booth will be at least 8ft x 8ft in size and will be identified with your booth number, Team Number and Team Challenge time. In order to make loading into the Prop Storage space as efficient as possible, props should be packaged in a way that professionals can assist with the move-in. Teams will be notified of their booth numbers prior to arriving onsite. If you need to ship prior to the assignment of your booth number, please read the “Shipping Your Props” section below. While some elevators are larger, teams should be prepared to fit their props into an elevator that measures 83in x 60in x 7.5ft high. Teams that ship their props before the assignment of their booth number MUST make sure that their Team Number and Team Challenge are clearly visible on this official shipping label. Please put at least two labels on each box.

Most Challenge sites will require that teams transport their props down one level via escalator or elevator. Smaller items may be transported using the escalators if there are no safety issues. Larger/unsafe props will be directed to the appropriate elevators designated for the Challenge. Remember, according to Section IX.A.4 of Rules of the Road, all props should fit through a standard door space of 30in x 76in (0.76m x 1.93m). While some elevators are larger, teams should be prepared to fit their props into an elevator that measures 83in x 60in x 7.5ft high.

We will be offering delivery of your props by a Destination Imagination Global Finals Prop Valet service! Prop Valet is partnering with Destination Imagination to make prop load-in the best experience possible for all teams. Using Prop Valet will eliminate stress and wait time associated with moving props into Prop Storage. This allows your team to spend more time focused on their Presentation and having fun when they arrive in Kansas City!

If you plan to drive your props to the site and unload, please make sure to indicate that when you register for Global Finals. Teams that plan to unload their own props will be provided directions to Prop Storage when they register on-site at Municipal Arena. Teams may hand-deliver their props to their Prop Storage booth or use our Prop Valet service at no extra cost. Since Bartle Hall is a very large space, on Wednesday, May 22, we will allow teams to physically drive their car through the building to drop their props as close to their booth as possible. All teams must receive credentials before unloading. Credentials, received by a Team Manager at registration, will be required to access Prop Storage.

No team vehicles with props will be accepted prior to Wednesday. Please note that no one will be permitted in Prop Storage without credentials, which must be received by the Team Manager at Municipal Arena. Teams are encouraged to pack props in a way that professionals can assist with unloading.

If your props are in a combined truckload, driven by a professional truck driver, arriving Wednesday, May 22, please provide the driver with the destination address: 301 W 13th Street, South Truck Dock, Kansas City, MO, 64105.

If your props are in a combined truckload, driven by a Destination Imagination supporter, arriving Wednesday, May 22, please make sure you have your credentials prior to proceeding towards the South Dock at Bartle Hall.

If you need hand carts or wheeled flatbeds to move your props into place in this large space, please make sure to bring those items with you.

We encourage teams to ship or deliver their props in advance to avoid long vehicle wait times to unload on site. Prop shipments may arrive starting Monday, April 22, 2024. If you ship in advance, your props will be delivered no later than 9:00 a.m. CT Wednesday, May 22, to your team’s dedicated Prop Storage booth. Whether you are shipping via air, freight or hand-delivery, you MUST use the official GF24 Shipping Label.

This label MUST be affixed to all items in your team’s shipment and clearly visible on at least two sides of each box.

Prop shipments may arrive starting Monday, April 22, 2024. Prop shipments cannot be accepted by Prop Valet after Thursday, May 16 at 3:30 p.m. CT.

There will be personnel on hand to help unload props upon arrival. Prop shipments should arrive between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. CT, Monday through Friday.

  • Monday, April 22,2024
    First day receiving
  • Thursday, May 16, 2024
    Deadline for shipments and deliveries via air or freight
  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024
    KCCC Prop Storage is open 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, May 23, 2024
    KCCC Dock hours are 6:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  • Friday, May 24, 2024
    KCCC Dock hours are 6:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
  • Saturday, May 25, 2024
    KCCC Dock hours are 6:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

On Wednesday, May 22, we are allowing teams to drive through the building and unload their props. Starting Thursday, May 23, we will close the drive lane and teams can unload at the South dock.

Dumpsters will be provided for teams to break down and dispose of their props when they have completed their Team Challenge Presentation.

Dumpsters will be available at Bartle Hall’s North and South docks beginning on Thursday, May 23 in conjunction with Prop Storage hours. 

Thu., May 23 – 6:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Fri., May 24 – 6:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Sat., May 25 – 6:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Prop Valet will have a desk in Prop Storage for any teams that would like to arrange to ship their props home. There will be an additional fee for this service.

So much creativity in one space!

Prop Storage will also include a designated practice space for each Team Challenge. This space will allow teams to get all the jitters out and rehearse for their Presentation. Check out all of this STEAM-based creativity in one space!